TitlePublication Date
The Christmas Tree Bluebird 1920
The Christmas Tree: A Story of German Domestic Life 1883
Christmas Trees, And Other Verses 1959
Christus Futurus 1907
Christus Vincit 1921
Chronicles of Avonlea 1912
Chronological History of the Department of Trade and Commerce, December 1892-March 31, 1969 1976
Church of England Handbook 1952
The Church of England Institute Receipt Book 1888
Churchill: Canada's Northern Gate 1974
Churnings from a Prairie Kitchen 1926
The Circular Coast: Poems New and Selected 1981
Citadel 1967
Cities and City Life 1970
The City and the Sea: With Other Cambridge Contributions in Aid of the Hospital Fund 1881
The City Dweller and Other Poems 1935
City of Owen Sound, 1921 1990
Clarence and Corinne: Or, God's Way 1890
The Classification of Specimens in the Medical Museum of McGill University 1916
Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Sir William Osler's Publications 1939
Classified Bibliography of Sir William Osler’s Canadian Period 1868-1885 1920
Clear Lands and Icy Seas: A Voyage to the Eastern Arctic 1958
Clearing in the West: My Own Story, Volume 1 1935
"The Cliff" to "The Islands" 1891
The Climate of Power 1971
Climbing the Rigging 1944
Climbing: Memories of a Missionary's Wife 1940
Cling to Her Waiting 1939
Clinical and Developmental Study of a Case of Ruptured Aneurysm of the Right Anterior Aortic Sinus of Valsalva 1919
Clinical Classification of Congenital Cardiac Disease with Remarks Upon Its Pathological Anatomy, Diagnosis and Treatment 1924
Clinical Studies for Nurses: A Textbook for Second and Third Year Pupil Nurses and a Handbook for All Who are Engaged in Caring for the Sick 1909
Clipped Wings 1899
The Clock of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1862
Clothes That Count and How to Make Them 1923
Clothing Design and Drafting 1937
The Cloud and the Fire 1940
A Cloud Dispelled
Coal and Roses: Twenty-One Glosas 2009
Coast to Coast in a Puddle Jumper 1930
Cobblecorners 1926
Code: Poloniase 1971
Cogewea, The Half-Blood: A Depiction of the Great Montana Cattle Range 1927
Cold Pastoral 1939
Collected Poems 1986
Collected Poems 1961
The Collected Poems of A.M. Klein 1974
The Collected Poems of Elizabeth Smart 1992
The Collected Poems of Isabella Valancy Crawford 1905
Collected Poems: The Two Seasons 1972
Collected Verse of Susan Victoire Lewis c1929