TitlePublication Date
Out of Drowning Valley 1910
Out of the Depths 1886
Out of the Dusk 1941
Out of the Infinite 1936
Out of the Mist: Selected Poems 1980
Out of the North with Drums and Other Poems 1933
Out of the Shadows 1944
Out of the Shadows 1937
Out of the Silence 1962
Out of the Silence 1900
Out of the Storied Past 1969
Out of the Violent Dark: Poems and Translations 1978
Out to Win: A Baseball Story 1947
The Outlaw of Camargue 1896
Outline Guide to the East Asiatic Section 1950
Outline of Chronology for the Use of Schools 1859
An Outline of the History of Central New Brunswick to the Time of Confederation 1937
Outrageous Kasimir 1976
Outrun the Dark 1977
Outward Bound 1930
Over My Shoulder 1953
Over the Bridge 1947
Over the Gangplank to Spain 1931
Over the Hills of Home, And Other Poems 1918
Over the Island 1939
Over the Threshold and Other Poems 1922
Over the Top: Or, The Taking of Vimy Ridge by the Canadians 1917
Overgrown Trails 1932
Overhead in a Balloon 1985
Overland to Cariboo: An Eventful Journey of Canadian Pioneers to the Gold Fields of British Columbia in 1862 1896
The Overland Trail: The Epic Path of the Pioneers to Oregon 1929
Owen Sound on the Georgian Bay: First City Upon the Georgian Bay 1912
Owindia: A True Tale of the MacKenzie River Indians, North-West America 1886
P.K. Page: Poems Selected and New 1974
Paddle and Palette: The Story of Tom Thomson c1930
A Pageant of Bethlehem in Four Scenes 1925
The Pageant of Canadian History 1943
Pagentry of Days 1940
Pages from Canada's Geography c1939
Pages from Canada's Geography: Where Geography and History Meet 1939
Pages from Canada's Story 1928
Pages from Canada's Story: Selections from the Canadian History Readers 1928
Painted Arrows 1941
Painted Fires 1925
A Pair of Grey Socks 1917
The Palace of Knossos: A Play of Theseus and the Minotaur 1931
Pamela Walks the Dog 2001
Pandas in the Park: A Picture Visit with Chinese Children 1969
Pansies for Thoughts 1898
Paradise 1936