TitlePublication Date
Scenic Sieges and Battlefields of French Canada 1905
The Scent Shop 1919
Scented Garden: Poetry 1936
Schmecks Appeal: More Mennonite Cooking 1983
The School of Femininity: A Book for and About Women As They are Interpreted Through Feminine Writers of Yesterday and Today 1936
School-Day Melodies: In Two Parts 1898
The Schoolboy in the War 1919
Schoolday Impressions 1927
Schoolgirl Visions 1923
The Schoolmates: Or, Conversations on the Beautitudes 1854
Science and Arts of Home Life for Elementary Grades, Beginner Courses 1929
Scientific Cooking with Scientific Methods 1915
Scientific Method and the Conditions of Social Intelligence 1943
The Scout Who Led an Army 1963
Scribblings 1933
Scripture Reading and Meditations on Wisdom 1902
Sea Dreams 1981
The Sea Is So Wide 1943
Sea Mist and Other Poems 1926
Sea Murmurs and Woodland Songs 1903
Sea Pieces: Poems 1945
The Sea Spirit and Other Poems 1850
The Sea Wall, And Other Verse 1925
Sea-Woman and Other Poems 1945
The Seal of the Cross 1939
The Search for Molly Marling c1903
The Search for Uncle Joe 1973
The Search Relentless 1925
Seascape with Figures 1967
Seascape with Figures: Poems Selected and New 1992
A Season Past: Reminiscences of a Canadian Childhood 1968
The Season Within: Poems 1967
The Season's Greetings to You 1926
The Season's Lovers 1958
Seasonal Activities for Primary Grades 1941
The Second Chance 1910
The Second Coming of Christ 1921
A Second French Primer 1940
Second Sight 1980
The Second Silence 1955
Secret in the Stlalakum Wild 1972
The Secret of Van Royen's Farm 1929
The Secret of Willow Castle 1966
Secret Snow 1932
The Secret Sorrow 1881
Seeds from the Garden of the World 1904
Seeds of Pine 1914
Seedtime and Harvest 1942
Seeing for Myself: Agricultural Conditions Around the World 1937
The Seignorial Regime in Canada 1926