Six Darn Cows
1979 |
The Six Queens of Henry
1937 |
A Six Weeks' Tour in Western Canada, By a Lady
1865 |
The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Woman’s Missionary Society, Eastern Division of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1876–1936
1936 |
Sixty Dollars a Month
1941 |
A Sketch of John Ruskin
1920 |
Sketch of Our Foreign Mission Fields
1902 |
A Sketch of the Life of Captain John Savage, J.p., First Settler in Shefford County, 1792: Also the Early History of St. John's Church, West Shefford, Que., 1821-1921
1921 |
Sketch of the Life of Captain Joseph Brant, Thayendanagea
1872 |
Sketch of the Life of Wyatt Eaton
c1890 |
Sketchbook of a Young Naturalist: Or, Hints to the Students of Nature
1831 |
The Sketchbook of the Lady Sei Shonagon
1930 |
Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America
1845 |
Sketches from Life, As Seen Through the Medium of a Flower Mission
1888 |
Sketches from Life: Being Tales on the Ten Commandments and Various Texts of Scripture, Including Remarks on the Service of the Episcopal Church, Intended for the Use of Sunday Schools
1876 |
Sketches from Nature: Or, Hints to Juvenile Naturalists
1830 |
Sketches from the Life of Christ
1844 |
Sketches of Labrador Life
c1894 |
Sketches of Labrador Life, By a Labrador Woman
1980 |
Sketches of the Life, Troubles, And Grievances of a French Canadian Lady Caused Especially by Civil and Religionist Political Persecution
1857 |
Skippy and Others
1943 |
Sky Man on the Totem Pole?
1975 |
The Sky Tree: A Trilogy of Fables
2009 |
Sky Ways
1943 |
A Skylark's Empty Nest
1979 |
Slave Days in Canada
1919 |
Sleep No More
1958 |
The Sleep of Death: The Resurrection
1901 |
The Sleeping Beauty: A New Version of the Old Story, and the Golden Goose: Two Plays for Young People
1979 |
The Sleepwalker: The Trial that Made Canadian Legal History
1990 |
The Small Hour
1955 |
Small Sam at the Zoo
Small Town
1932 |
The Smawls of Shoobawks
1985 |
Smiling Through
1934 |
The Smugglers of Buenaventura
1974 |
The Snow Bridge
1964 |
Snowbound for Christmas
1921 |
Snowy Earth Comes Gliding
1974 |
So Great a Heritage
1941 |
So Large a Heart: A Story of Trinidad
So Little Makes Me Glad
c1938 |
A Social Departure: How Orthodocia and I Went Round the World by Ourselves
1890 |
Social Organizations
1971 |
The Social Origins of Christianity
1923 |
The Social Sciences in Canada: Two Studies
1968 |
Social Service and Hospital Efficiency
Social Work and the People's Health: An Expansion of an Address Given at the Annual Meeting of District 8, Registered Association of Ontario
1936 |
Social Work at the League of Nations
1936 |
The Soil Is Not Enough
1938 |