TitlePublication Date
Six Darn Cows 1979
The Six Queens of Henry 1937
A Six Weeks' Tour in Western Canada, By a Lady 1865
The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Woman’s Missionary Society, Eastern Division of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1876–1936 1936
Sixty Dollars a Month 1941
A Sketch of John Ruskin 1920
Sketch of Our Foreign Mission Fields 1902
A Sketch of the Life of Captain John Savage, J.p., First Settler in Shefford County, 1792: Also the Early History of St. John's Church, West Shefford, Que., 1821-1921 1921
Sketch of the Life of Captain Joseph Brant, Thayendanagea 1872
Sketch of the Life of Wyatt Eaton c1890
Sketchbook of a Young Naturalist: Or, Hints to the Students of Nature 1831
The Sketchbook of the Lady Sei Shonagon 1930
Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America 1845
Sketches from Life, As Seen Through the Medium of a Flower Mission 1888
Sketches from Life: Being Tales on the Ten Commandments and Various Texts of Scripture, Including Remarks on the Service of the Episcopal Church, Intended for the Use of Sunday Schools 1876
Sketches from Nature: Or, Hints to Juvenile Naturalists 1830
Sketches from the Life of Christ 1844
Sketches of Labrador Life c1894
Sketches of Labrador Life, By a Labrador Woman 1980
Sketches of the Life, Troubles, And Grievances of a French Canadian Lady Caused Especially by Civil and Religionist Political Persecution 1857
Skippy and Others 1943
Sky Man on the Totem Pole? 1975
The Sky Tree: A Trilogy of Fables 2009
Sky Ways 1943
A Skylark's Empty Nest 1979
Slave Days in Canada 1919
Sleep No More 1958
The Sleep of Death: The Resurrection 1901
The Sleeping Beauty: A New Version of the Old Story, and the Golden Goose: Two Plays for Young People 1979
The Sleepwalker: The Trial that Made Canadian Legal History 1990
The Small Hour 1955
Small Sam at the Zoo
Small Town 1932
The Smawls of Shoobawks 1985
Smiling Through 1934
The Smugglers of Buenaventura 1974
The Snow Bridge 1964
Snowbound for Christmas 1921
Snowy Earth Comes Gliding 1974
So Great a Heritage 1941
So Large a Heart: A Story of Trinidad
So Little Makes Me Glad c1938
A Social Departure: How Orthodocia and I Went Round the World by Ourselves 1890
Social Organizations 1971
The Social Origins of Christianity 1923
The Social Sciences in Canada: Two Studies 1968
Social Service and Hospital Efficiency
Social Work and the People's Health: An Expansion of an Address Given at the Annual Meeting of District 8, Registered Association of Ontario 1936
Social Work at the League of Nations 1936
The Soil Is Not Enough 1938