TitlePublication Date
The Wyndham Family c1959
Wyvern Hall/teddy's Luck/a Contrast 1898
XII Poems 1929
Yea, Though I Walk 1945
A Year and a Day: A Story of Canadian Life 1886
A Year in Canada and Other Poems 1816
The Year of Mary: Or, The True Servant of the Blessed Virgin 1868
The Year That Followed: A Sequel to Pine Lake 1907
Yellow Boots 1954
The Yellow Circle 1927
The Yellow Pearl 1911
Yesterday's Servant c1916
Yesteryear at Grimsby Park 1936
Yonder Shining Light 1948
Yorktown: an historical romance ... 1826
Yoshio: Japanese Boy in Canada 1937
You and I 1928
You Can Live in an Apartment 1939
You Have to Draw the Line Somewhere 1964
Young Canada 1943
The Young Converts: Or, Memoirs of the Three Sisters, Debbie, Helen and Anne Barlow 1861
The Young Country Schoolma'am 1920
The Young Emigrants: Or, Pictures of Life in Canada 1826
Young Folk, Old Folk: A Novel of the Younger Set 1926
Young Folks' Dialogues 1922
Young Fur Trader 1966
The Young Gordons in Canada 1913
The Young Ladies Reader 1875
Young Laetitia 1939
A Young Man's Choice 1869
The Young May Moon 1929
Young Pilgrims 1925
The Young Professor 1927
Young Renny 1935
Young Soldiers Hearts of France: A Wreath of Immortelles 1919
The Young Surveyor 1956
The Young Village Doctor 1915
Younger Brother 1959
A Younger Son 1901
The Youngsters of Murray Home 1896
Yours... For Better Meals This Easier Time Saving Way: Westinghouse De Luxe Adjustomatic Electric Roaster 1940
The Youth of Great Canadians: A Series of 12 Broadcasts 1939
Youth Speaks Its Mind 1948
Yukon Wild Flowers 1940
The Yukon 1939
Yuletide Bells 1944
Z for Saborra 1965
Zanorin: A Comedy in One Act 1958
The Zeit-Geist 1895