TitlePublication Date
Monkswold: A Novel 1903
A Month of Dreams 1932
Montreal Stories 2004
Moods of Eros 1970
Moon in the Afternoon 1955
Moon Over Stamboul 1936
The Moon-Man and the Fairies c1931
Moonlight and Common Day 1922
Moons of Jupiter 1982
Moor-Mists 1925
Morceaux À Dire 1918
More About Nova Scotia: My Own, My Native Land 1937
More About Osler 1937
More Cracks with We Twa 1929
More Food That Really Schmecks 1979
More Games and Parties 1951
More Guessing Contests 1912
More Just Mary Stories 1981
More Leaves from Lantern Lane 1937
More Maggie Muggins 1959
More Poems, Mostly Lighter 1983
More Songs of the Glens of Antrim 1921
More Stories of Newfoundland 1939
More Than Kind 1935
Morley: A History of Old Shediac, New Brunswick 1937
The Mormon Prophet 1899
The Mornin'-Glory Girl 1920
Morning at Jalna 1960
Morning in the West: A Book of Verse 1923
Morning on My Street 1958
Morning Strength 1897
The Moslem Wife and Other Stories 1994
Mother 1937
Mother and the Things She Used to Make 1948
Mother Goose Rhymes in Rhythm 1937
Mother Goose's Bicyle Tour 1901
Mother Hubbard's Wonderful Cupboard 1924
Mother Liberty: The Gift They Gave US 1939
Mother Marie of the Incarnation c1930
Mother of Seven: Reminiscences 1937
Mother's Holiday: A Fairy Fantasy of Mother Love 1933
Mother’s Birthday 1921
Mount Eisenhower and Other Poems 1947
Mount Rainier c1904
A Mountain and a City: The Story of Hamilton 1966
Mountain Shadows 1955
Mountain Wildflowers of America 1906
Mountain Wildflowers of Canada: A Simple and Popular Guide to the Names and Descriptions of the Flowers That Bloom Above the Clouds 1906
The Mounties 1947
A Mounty's Wife, Being the Life Story of One Attached to the Force But Not of It 1930