TitlePublication Date
Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets: Biographical Sketches of Women Celebrated in Ancient and Modern Poetry 1829
Memoirs of the Marquis de St. Forlaix 1770
Memorial Day, And Other Verse: Original and Translated c1917
Memorials of Margaret Elizabeth, Only Daughter of Rev. Albert Des Brisay, Of the Province of New Brunswick 1856
Memorials of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. John MacHar, D.D., Late Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Kingston 1873
Memories 1920
Memories 1936
Memories and Other Poems 1943
Memories and Other Poems 1905
Memories of a Pioneer Life in British Columbia 1945
Memories of a Yukon Summer 1938
Memories of Brooke 2004
Memories of My Early Years 1937
Memories, 1923-30 1941
The Men are Back c1946
Men in Sheepskin Coats: A Study in Assimilation 1947
Men of Valour: The Bridge at Dieppe and Other Canadian War Stories 1948
The Mercenary Match c1925
Mère Marie-Rose: Fondatrice de la Congregation des SS. Noms de Jésus et di Marie au Canada 1895
Mermaid 1982
The Mermaid: A Love Tale 1895
Merry-Go-Round 1946
Messages 1932
The Metal and the Flower 1954
The Metaphysical White Cat 1912
Methods and Principles of Teaching the Principles and Practice of Nursing 1926
Metis, Wee Scotland of the Gaspé 1960
Metrical Musings 1856
Mic Mac on the Track 1930
Michael's London: A Book for Children in Any City 1936
The Micmac; or, "The Ribboned Way" 1904
Midget Stories for Busy People 1954
Midnight and Christmas Eve c1932
The Midnight Queen 1876
Midsummer Loki 1967
Midwinter Thaw 1948
Mignonette 1939
Mildred Kent's Hero 1890
Milestone Zero 1952
Milestones: A Collection of Verses 1899
Milk Drinks 1926
Milk Route 1948
A Million Miles from Ottawa 1942
The Millionaire’s Daughter 1915
The Mills, Holton and Smith Families 1927
Mind Your Manners 1953
Mine Own Content 1952
Mine to Love 1950
The Minerva Press 1790-1820 1939
Mingled Yarn 1930