TitlePublication Date
Five Points for Africa 1942
Five Years 1938
The Flag, And Other Poems 1918
Flame and Adventure 1924
Flame of Frost 1914
Flaming Felicia 1934
A Fleeting Glimpse: Selected Letters of Mabel (Hodgson) Gurd & Andrew Douglas Gurd 1996
Fleeting Shadows 1934
Flemish Artists of the Valois Courts 1950
Flight 1954
Flight Commander Stork and Other Verses 1925
Flight from the Fortress 2004
Flint and Feather 1912
Floating Homeland 1947
Flora Lyndsay: Or, Passages in an Eventful Life 1854
Floral Concert 1892
Florence Ayscough and Amy Lowell: Correspondence of a Friendship 1945
Florence Nightingale As Seen in Her Portraits: With a Sketch of Her Life and an Account of Her Relation to the Origin of the Red Cross Society 1916
The Flower Basket: Or, Poetical Blossoms c1825
The Flower in the Dusk 1946
Flower Legends and Other Poems 1902
Flower of the Fortress 1944
The Flower of the Land: A Tapestry of the Great War 1941
Flowering Thorns 1886
Flowers by the Wayside: A Miscellany of Prose and Verse 1865
Flowers for Benjamin 1946
Flowers for the Living: A Book of Short Stories 1931
Flowers of the Field and Forest: Reprint of a Series of Articles which Appeared in the Family Herald and Weekly Star During the Summer of 1900 1901
Flowers of the Wind 1919
Flowers of the Year and Other Poems 1869
The Flute and Other Poems 1950
Flute of the Smoking Mirror: A Portrait of Nezahualcoyotl, Poet-King of the Aztecs 1949
Fold Home 1950
Folk Songs of Nova Scotia c1968
Folklore in the Poetry of A.M. Klein 1981
Folklore of Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia 1950
Folklore of Nova Scotia 1931
Folklore of the Far West, With Some Clues to Characteristics and Customs 1953
Folklore Study in Spain
Folksongs from Southern New Brunswick 1971
Food and Diet 1913
Food for the Family 1924
Food from Market to Table 1940
Food That Really Schmecks: Mennonite Country Cooking As Prepared by My Mennonite Friend, Bevvy Martin, My Mother, And Other Fine Cooks 1968
Fools' Pence 1946
Foot Prints 1945
Footnote to the Lord's Prayer and Other Poems 1951
The Footsteps of Sir Thomas More 1930
For All Piano Teachers 1955
For College Women... And Men 1938