TitlePublication Date
Parents and Children, Six Vital Issues: Viewer's Guide 1985
Parents and the Pre-School Child 1928
Paris Notebooks: Essays and Reviews 1988
Paris Stories 2002
Parlor Meetings: What They are and How to Conduct Them c1895
Parties and Stunts Around the Year 1923
Parties in Wartime 1943
Parties on a budget 1951
Partner in Three Worlds 1944
The Paschal Fire at Tara
Pashcal Lamb and Other Poems 1946
Passage of Summer: Collected Poems 1969
The Passenger Pigeon in Ontario 1935
Passionate Interlude 1931
Past and Present: Notes by Henry Cawthra and Others 1924
Pastures New 1935
Pat of Silver Bush 1933
The Patchwork Quilt, And the Other One 1926
Patent Ductus Arteriosus with Acute Infective Pulmonary Endarteritis 1914
The Path of Gold
The Path of the Prop 1935
Pathfinders 1956
The Pathfinders of North America 1939
Pathfinders of the West: Being the Thrilling Story of the Adventures of the Men Who Discovered the Great Northwest 1904
The Pathological Collections of the Late Sir William Osler and His Relations with the Medical Museum of McGill University 1920
Pathological Specimens 1917
The Paths of Love: Or, A Leap in the Dark
Patriotic and Other Poems 1916
A Patriotic Auction 1918
Patriotic Poems 1916
Patriotic Scarf Drill 1901
Patriotic Songs 1830
Patsy and the Pup 1950
The Pattern Set 1958
The Patterson Limit 1923
Pauline Archer 1900
Payatamu and the Corn Maiden
Payepot and His People 1959
The Pearl Fountain and Other Fairy Tales 1877
The Pearl Stringer 1913
Pearls and Pebbles: Or, Notes of an Old Naturalist 1894
Pearls for the Missions 1923
Peatsmoke c1919
Pebbles on the Beach 1974
Pedro 1961
A Peep at the Esquimaux: Or, Scenes on the Ice 1825
A Peep at the Pilgrims in Sixteen Hundred Thirty-Six: A Tale of Olden Times 1824
Peeps from the Wainscot 1876
Pegeen 1941
Pegeen and the Pilgrim 1957