Title Run Dates Continued From Continued By
North Shore Press 1913-1957
North Shore Review 1952-1957
North Toronto Free Press
North York Free Press
Northern Advance
Northern Affairs Bulletin 1954-1960 North
Northern Messenger 1876-1950
Northern Review 1945-1946
Northern Sportsman
Northian Magazine
Northwest Farmer
Northwest Historical Society
Northwest Magazine
Northwest Mining Truth 1916-1922 Mining Truth
Northwest Review
Notebook Magazine
Notes and Queries 1849-
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Magazine 1806
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Wesleyan Methodist Magazine 1832
Nova Scotia Book of Verse 1949-1967
Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly 1971-1980
Nova Scotia Magazine 1894
Nova Scotia Magazine and Comprehensive Review of Literature 1789-1792
Nova Scotia New Monthly Magazine 1842
Nova Scotia Poetry Society Newsletter
Nova Scotia Year Book
Nova Scotian
The Nova Scotian
The Novascotian
Novel Magazine
Nunda News
Nursery Magazine
Nurses Alumnae Quarterly
Nurses' Alumnae Journal
Nursing Education Monographs
Nursing Mirror
Nursing Mirror and Midwives Journal
Nursing Times
Nutcracker 1916-1917 Alberta Non-Partisan
OAC Review
Oakville Record
Oakville Record-Star
The Observer
Occasional Magazine 1895
Occult Digest