Title Run Dates Continued From Continued By
Twentieth Century Home 1904-1905
Two Penny Magazine 1839
Tyro 1872-18-- or 19--
The Ubyssey 1916-
Ukrainian Life
Ukrainian Voice
The Ukrainian Weekly
Ukranian Voice
Unesco Courier
Union Advocate
Union News-Dispatch
Union Signal
Union-Sun and Journal
United Church Bible Class Magazine
United Church Home Department Quarterly
United Church Observer 1939- New Outlook
United Church Publishing
United Church Senior Quarterly
United Empire
United Empire Magazine
United Nations World
United Service Magazine
Unity Modern Thought
University Magazine
University of Arizona Bulletin
University of Manitoba Quarterly 1926-1933
University of Ottawa Review 1898-1915
University of Toronto Monthly 1900-1947 University of Toronto Quarterly
University of Toronto Quarterly 1895-1896, 1931-
University of Wisconsin Nurses' Alumnae Magazine
Ups and Downs 1895-
Utica Daily Press
The Vagabond
The Vagrant
Valley Chronicle
Valta Review
Vancouver Business
Vancouver Courier
Vancouver Daily News-Advertiser
Vancouver Herald
Vancouver News Advertiser
Vancouver News Herald
Vancouver News- Advertiser
Vancouver News-Advertiser
Vancouver News-Herald
Vancouver Poetry Magazine
Vancouver Poetry Year Book