Title Run Dates Continued From Continued By
Ladies' Home Journal
Ladies' Home Monthly 1893
Ladies' Journal
The Ladies' Journal
Ladies' Magazine
Ladies' Musical Library
Ladies' Pictorial Weekly
Ladies' Realm
Ladies' Repository 1841-1876
Ladies' World
Ladies’ Journal
Ladies’ Repository
Ladies’ Review 1892-1908
Ladies’ World
Ladner Optimist
Lady's Magazine 1770-1832 Lady's Magazine or Mirror of the Belles Lettres, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Fashions, etc.
Lady's Magazine and Museum of the Belles Lettres, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Fashions, etc 1832-1847 Lady's Magazine or Mirror of the Belles Lettres, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Fashions, etc.
Lady's Magazine or Mirror of the Belles Lettres, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Fashions, Etc
Lady's Magazine or Mirror of the Belles Lettres, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Fashions, etc. 1830-1832 Lady's Magazine Lady's Magazine and Museum of the Belles Lettres, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Fashions, etc
Lady's Monthly Museum; Or, Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction 1789-1832 Lady's Magazine and Museum of the Belles Lettres, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Fashions, etc
Lady's Pictorial
Lady's Realm
Lady's World
Lady’s World Woman’s World
Lake Benton Valley News
Lake Magazine 1892-1893
Lake Magazine, Transactions of the Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto
Lake Placid Conference on Home Economics, Proceedings of the Annual Conference
Lakehead University Review
The Lamp
Land and Water
Land of Sunshine
Land We Live In 1888-1893
The Lantern 1926-
Laurence Daily Journal
Laurentian University Review
Laws of Life
Le Nationaliste
Leisure Hour 1852-1896 New Series
Lennoxville Magazine 1867
Les Mouches Fantastiques
Leslie's Magazine 1905 Leslie's Monthly Magazine American Illustrated Magazine
Leslie's Monthly Magazine 1904-1905 Frank Leslie's Popular Magazine Leslie's Magazine
Leslie's Weekly 1852-1922
Leslie’s Weekly
Let Us Sing
Lethbridge Herald 1905-
Lethbridge Leader