Title Publication Date
Our Canadian Literature: Representative Verse, English and French, 3rd ed. 1934
Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness 1973
The Outlaw of Camargue 1896
Outstanding Contemporary Poets for 1939 1939
Over Hill and Plain 1947
Oxford Book of Canadian Verse 1913
The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1900 1906
Oxo, The Basis of Flavor and Good Cooking 1935
Paderewski, Pianist and Patriot 1943
The Path on the Rainbow: An Anthology of Songs and Chants from the Indians of North America 1918
Patriotic Recitations and Arbor Day Exercises 1893
Picturesque Canada 1882
Plays for Our American Holidays 1929
Plays for School and Camp 1922
A Pocketful of Canada 1946
Poems 1938
Poems for the Interim: A Selection of Twenty-Four Poems by Nineteen Canadian Authors Published During 1945-46 in “Saturday Night” 1946
Poet's Library 1911
The Poet's Pack 1921
The Poetic Voice of America 1940
The Poets and Poetry of the West 1860
Practical Instructions for the Comfort of the Sick and Afflicted 1890
Principle Poets of the World 1938
Profile: A Chapbook of Canadian Verse 1946
Proposed Curriculum for Schools of Nursing in Canada 1936
Psalms and Songs 1975
Rawleigh's Almanac Cookbook and Guide to Health 1919
Recipes 1912
Recipes Compiled and Arranged by the Ladies' Aid Society of Broadway Tabernacle 1900
Recitations enfantines 1917
Recitations pour les eleves du cours superieur de diction francaise 1917
Reliable Receipes 1927
Reminiscences 1951
Reminiscences of the Early History of Galt and Settlement of Dumfries in the Province of Ontario 1853
Report from the Division of Botany for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 1913 1914
The River St. John and Its Poets 1947
A Round Table of the Representative American Catholic Novelists, at Which is Served a Feast of Excellent Stories 1896
Safe Milk
Sawney's Letters and Cariboo Rhymes 1895
Scenes from Dickens 1923
Schoolgirls' Bumper Book 1930
Sea, Forest and Prairie: Being Stories of Life and Adventure in Canada Past and Present, by Boys and Girls in Canada’s Schools 1893
Selected Short Stories 1936
Selected Short Stories: A Collection of Notable Short Stories by Canadian Writers First Published in Published in the Canadian Magazine, 1936 1937
Selections from Canadian Poets: With Occasional Critical and Biographical Notes, and an Introductory Essay on Canadian Poetry 1864
Selections from Scottish Canadian Poets 1900
A Short History of Caulfield Village 1939
Six Canadian Plays 1930
Sketches and Plays c1925
Social Service Congress, Ottawa, 1914: Report of Addresses and Proceedings 1914