NameUsed by
Mrs. Joshua Smith Rae Levinsky
Mrs. Ralph Smith Mary Ellen Smith
Mrs. Richard Tapscott Smith Hilda Mary Hooke and 2 more.
Mrs. Robert Smith Robina Lizars
Mrs. W. Norman Smith Amelia Turner Smith
Mrs. Walter Norman Smith Bessie Turner
Mrs. William Richmond Smith Constance Callaway Marston
Mrs. Henry Smyth Eleanor Caroline Smyth
Mrs. Charles Henry Jeremiah Snider Mary Adelaide Dawson
Katherine Jessie Snyder Katie Snyder
Sophie Frances Fane Veitch Sophie Veitch
Sophie V. Gilbert Lee Sophia Victoria Gilbert
Mrs. E.J. Soulsby Elsie MacGill
Mary Ellen Spear Mary Ellen Smith
Mrs. Louis Speirs Katie Snyder
Mrs. Henry Herbert Spencer Agnes Spencer
Mrs. Hiram Ladd Spencer Mrs. Hiram Ladd Spencer
Spinster Dorothea Doggerel
Mrs. William Henry Spofford Cecilia McNaughton
Ida Randolph Spragge Ida Randolph Costain
Mrs. Arthur Spragge Ellen Elizabeth Spragge
Mrs. Frederick Sproule Dorothy Sproule
Mrs. E.F. Squires
Reverend Mother M. St. James Reverend Mother M. St. James
St. Stephen, NB Anna Lecina Boak Earle
Dorothy Stacey Dorothy Stacey Brown
Dorothy Elizabeth Stacey Dorothy Stacey Brown
Mrs. Frederick Harold Stacey Gladys Devlin Stacey
Stadacona Kate Deegan
Mrs. Keith Staebler Edna Staebler
Mrs. H.G. Stairs (unknown)
Mrs. David Stalker Ellen Ross
Mrs. John Standwell-Fletcher Theodora D. Stanwell-Fletcher
Stanford Eveleth Emma Wells Dickson
Patricia Stanley Margerie Scott
Mrs. Jack Stansfield Margaret Mary Speechly
Mrs. M. Staples (unknown)
Mrs. H.B. Starr Frances Starr
Statia M. English Anastasia Mary English
Mrs. H.B. Steeves Helen Steeves
Stella Faith Fenton and 3 more.
Stella E. Asling-Riis Stella Eugenie Asling
Mrs. W.G. Stephen Pamela Stephen
Mrs. Samuel Wentworth Stephenson Laura Agnes Stevenson
Mrs. Frederick C. Stepheson Annie Devina Watson Stephenson
Mrs. Joseph Stevens Winifred M. Stevens
Mrs. I. Stevenson (unknown)
Mrs. Major Robert Stevenson Laeta Marion Ramage
Mrs. Samuel Wentworth Stevenson
Mrs. Harry Stevinson Bertha Jane Thompson